Organizational / Artistic Director of the Festival, as well as First Horn with the NFM Wrocław Philharmonic. Former solo horn with the OMN Ensemble of Katowice, Jerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra in Warsaw, and “ROMA” Musical Theatre in Warsaw.
Graduate of the Academy of Music in Katowice. He has perfected his skills at numerous instrumentalist workshops. He performed at many international festivals of contemporary music: Warsaw Autumn, Velvet Curtain (Lviv), Melos – Ethos (Bratislava). He has participated in many premieres and recordings of contemporary music. Performed in concert with the leading ensembles of contemporary music: Ensemble Court – Circuit from Paris and Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain from Lyon. He played concerts with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Works with the greatest orchestras in Poland: Warsaw Philharmonic, The Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Beethoven Academy Orchestra (Cracow), Sinfonietta Cracovia, AUKSO – Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy, Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Sopot, and Pan European Philharmonia. He is the founder and member of Hornet Quartet and has conducted the organizational activity of the ensemble for the last five years. He co-created the educational-musical project WarHorns which produced a piece for 10 horns, a tribute to the victims of World War II, composed by Paweł Pudło. The project, which premiered at Solidarity of Arts in Gdańsk on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, was realized with participation of outstanding horn players. In 2020 he finished his post-graduate culture management studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.